How to Clean Hardwood Floors – 1.2

A popular new addition to many households throughout the country nowadays is hardwood flooring. It is reliable, elegant and seemingly easy to maintain. What people fail to recognize though, is that hardwood flooring must be treated properly if it is expect to last. Thus, when it comes to cleaning hardwood flooring, one must know the proper steps to take to get a satisfactory result without damaging the flooring.

The first thing that must be done is to create preemptive steps to make sure your hardwood flooring doesn’t get ruined. Place walk-in mats at doorway entrances to make sure particles of dust are collected and don’t ruin your expensive flooring. These act as “sandpaper” and over time will grate your floor. Most hardwood floors can be used on with a good swindel sweeper mop and quality wood floor cleaner. Do NOT use anything that might scratch or ruin your floor, such as steel wool to scratch out stains. Quality cleaner and an efficient mop should always do the job. If it is an extreme case such as spilled paint, you must learn more information on how to remove it. Yet in that instance, you would want to use paint remover.

Floors with a urethane finish should NEVER be waxed for it’ll ruin the floor. You could use a small cloth to wipe out pesky spots, alongside with good cleaner. Make to sure to minimize contact with water to your hardwood floor. Seeing as it is still made of wood, if something such as a spill or a flood happens, immediately get the water out of there. Something drastic as a flood might permanently ruin your flooring and cause you to replace it.

If it seems like your floor is beyond cleaning and repair, you might have to take things to a whole another level. For one, you should consider screening and recoating. Screening the hardwood floor will allow you to remove the old layer of coat and paint, and recoating will let you put on a new one. Its like taking off a bad cover and replacing it with one better.

If your hardwood floor is damaged with cuts and cracks, it might be time to replace it. You could try to fix the solution by filling up the cracks with chestnut glue, when if properly placed might result in an illusion effect. This might be a temporary fix-up, or a permanent one depending on how much you care about the look of your floor. If its in a hard to reach corner, you should probably not worry about it. But many scratches in the middles or near the doorway of a floor will probably just look bad on you and you’ll most likely have to swallow your pride, unloose your purse strings, and get a new floor.

Another thing you must avoid is overexposure to sunlight. Over time the UV rays will make your floor look dried up and shriveled. When you leave your household, make sure to close your blinds when light is unessecary. Another problem might be scuffing by furniture. When you are moving furniture around make sure to cover the legging with some kind of protective cloth as to make sure your floor doesn’t get ruined.

The more time and effort you put into making your hardwood floor look good, and making sure it doesn’t get ruined, the longer it will last you. Per say if you do a good job, it just might last you a century! And really, those extra little things add to you avoiding to have to spend thousands on replacing your flooring. After all, its much easier to keep and maintain than carpet, and looks better to. Be happy you don’t need a heated cleaner to take out that wine stain, yet instead can just wipe it right off!